Registration is still open for this conference and subsidies are available for injured workers and persons with a disability.
Disability, Inclusion and Belonging in the Canadian Workplace
You are invited to attend the Disability and Work in Canada 2022 (DWC 2022) Conference which will be held virtually over four days on November 29 & 30 and December 7 & 8, from 12:15 to 3:30 EDT.
The theme for this year’s conference is the “Disability, inclusion and belonging in the Canadian Workplace,” with subthemes for each day as follows:
• Tuesday November 29, 2022, at 12:15-3:30 EDT –Disability in the Workplace
• Wednesday November 30, 2022, at 12:15-3:30 EDT –Inclusion in the Workplace
• Wednesday December 7, 2022, at 12:15-3:30 EDT –Belonging in the Workplace
• Thursday December 8, 2022, at 12:15-3:30 EDT –Inclusive Workplace Strategy
In 2022, ongoing challenges for the employment of persons with disabilities continue. The DWC conference is focused on how to meet those challenges and continue to make progress on the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Strategy for Disability and Work.
The DWC2022 Conference Program will be available soon.
Click here to register: Register for DWCVC2022 here
Registration categories and pre-tax amounts:
1. Student $50 – Open till December 7th
2. Regular Full Conference – $150 – Open from October 29th
3. Regular Non-Profit/Union – $125 – Open from October 29th
Subsidies are available for persons with disabilities. Please contact ca for assistance.