Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups
R.R. 1, Kaministiquia, ON P0T 1X0
T: 807-767-7827
Em: munso@tbaytel.net
Web: www.injuredworkersonline.org/Organizations/oniwg.html
Ottawa & District Injured Workers Group
2000 – 1511 Merivale Road, Nepean, ON K2G 3J3
T: 613-567-5872
F: 613-667-5983
Em: odiwg@rogers.com
Web: www.odiwg.com/main/
Thunder Bay and District Injured Workers Support Group
1201 Jasper Drive
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6R2
T: 807-622-8897
Em: tbiwsg@gmail.com
Web: https://thunderbayinjuredworkers.com/
Brain Injury Services of Northern Ontario
426 Balmoral Street, Thunder Bay, ON P7C 5G8
T: 807-623-1188
Toll Free: 1-866-796-1188
F: 807-623-1201
Em: bisnoro@bisno.org
Web: www.bisno.org
Elevate NWO
TTC: 1-800-488-5840
F: 807-345-2505
Em: info@elevatenwo.org
Canadian Pain Coalition
1143 Wentworth Street West, Suite 202, Oshawa, ON L1J 8P7
T: 905-404-9545
F: 905-404-3727
Em: office@canadianpaincoalition.ca
Web: www.canadianpaincoalition.ca
Injured Workers Consultants
#411-815 Danforth Ave., Toronto ON
T: 416-461-2411
Web: www.injuredworkersonline.org/Organizations/iwc.html
Hamilton & District Injured Workers Group
905 Main Street East, Corner Prospect & Main, Hamilton, ON
T: 905-745-1003
Web: www.injuredworkersonline.org
Would like info