British Columbia

BC Brain Injury Association


Northern Brain Injury Association

Serves all of northern BC except for Smithers and Prince George
1070 4th Avenue
Prince George, BC V2L 3J1
Ph: (250) 562-4673 toll free phone number: 1-866-979-4673

Prince George Brain Injured Group

Serves just Prince George and area
1070 4th Avenue
Prince George, BC V2L 3J1
Ph: (250) 564-2447

Dawson Creek Native Housing Society

10421 10 Street
Dawson Creek, BC
Ph: (250) 782-1598

Cowichan Valley Independent Living Resource Centre

225 Canada Ave., Suite 207
Duncan, BC
Ph: (250) 746-3930

Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians

PO Box 20262
RPO Town Centre
Kelowna, BC V1Y 9H2


4 thoughts on “British Columbia

  1. There just isn’t enough understanding coming out of WCB when they deny injured workers who clearly got injured at there job. I’m currently in a situation where I will run out of money to pay rent and than will be forced to move into the street with a tent after using up my credit card all becouse WCB thinks I filled the report to late. But yet I had a dormant disk injury that created an unstable SI joint throughout the months that I now I suffer from each day and must pay out of mynown pocket for medical support. I don’t understand how this system was set up in such a way that allows for hard workers to fall through the cracks like this. All I think about is returning to my job that I loved with a passion. Now I’m risking homelessnes with a back injury which I have proof for that happened at work. Please, can something be done?

  2. I was Injured in a fall at work in November 2023. I acquired a seriously damaged rotator cuff with a detached tendon that requires surgery. Worksafe BC is insisting on a return to work prior to surgery even though there is no meaningful outcome of a return to work save for Worksafe BC having a regulatory requirement to get me in meaningful employment. I enjoy my work and am good at it but i dont live to work, I work to live. There will be no improvement prior to surgery and post surgery will be months long(up to 6 months) of recovery.

    During the GRTW from WorksafeBC, the work is supernumery. It isnt a regular job, the employer isnt paying for it, me doing it does not provide any benefit to WorksafeBC or the employer. In fact, the work i am doing is actually bargaining unit work with no rights or benefits such as vacation(this could be a year) staturory holidays, sick time, vacation accrual.

    This just seems like Bureaucratic BS with the union not getting involved.

  3. Worksafe BC has consistently refused to require the employer to file Form 7 or employers report of their investigation of the incident. There is no Form 7 or the equivalent on file nor any record of them asking the the employer to submit one. This is in direct contravention ofthe Workers Compensation Act of BC Division 10 — Accident Reporting and Investigation Incidents that must be investigated 173 (1) An employer must conduct a preliminary investigation under section 175 and a full investigation under section 176 respecting any accident or other incident that…………………………..
    Nor has Worksafe done their own investigation as they did for another injured worker that had a similar incident and filled at about the same time as my claim
    Letters, phonecalls and emails to them return no response they will not even acknowledge my file has no investigation of the incident on file. Id go to their local office and ask for them to deal with the matter; the local manager di say he or someone else would get back to me within a week. The senior manager of the claims section in Richmond did phone me twice on Feb 28 a left me with he had to check with someone else and would get back to me. Interesting to note that he has left no record of the phonecall on my file as is normally required and subsequent letters to worksafe on the matter with one exception are not on my file
    WorksafeBC refuses to address the fact that no investigation has ever been done on my incident . I can only conclude that they know the incident caused my brain tumour but refuse to acknowledge the investigation as any investigation would confirm my workplace injury caused my injury.
    The battle to have them do an investigation into the incident started with the Claims Manager refusing to investigate the incident and has continued through the Review and appeal process with the Vice chair of the appeal proudly declaring she did not investigate the incident

  4. Hi I am an injured worker I was injured sept 3 1981 in a trucking accident which left me with a partially amputated right foot I was pinned under a tractor trailer at night also I have post traumatic stress disorder and hip problems and I am still fighting with worksafe bc for compensation I lived in Edmonton which makes it all the harder but I was injured south of Vancouver

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