Dear BC Maritime Workers,
You are invited to participate in an online survey exploring the challenges experienced by workers in the British Columbia maritime sector with returning to work after injury/illness.
This survey is part of a research study called “Return to work in British Columbia’s maritime sector: Challenges for maritime workers and related impacts on their families” led by Drs. Desai Shan, Barb Neis, and Contessa Small, from Memorial University of Newfoundland, which is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR).
• Those eligible to participate are maritime workers (seafarers, longshore workers, fishermen and aquaculture workers) who experienced a work-related injury (physical or psychological) or illness in British Columbia at any time since 2013.
• If you meet these criteria, you are invited to participate in this anonymous online survey to share information about your work-related injury or illness and experience with return to work.
This voluntary survey will take 20-30 minutes to complete. Those who consent to participate in the survey will have an opportunity to enter a lottery for a chance to win one of three Amazon e-gift cards each valued at CAD $100.
If you would like to participate in the survey, please click the link:
Survey Link